Thursday, November 4, 2010

VLC Stream & Convert + VPN = Stream HD Over 3G/4G with Android (Part 3)

Following up on this topic, I have some "Tips & Tricks" for users seeking to stream HD/SD to their Android phone over 3G/4G.

Couple things up front:
  1. A New version of VLC S&C has been released by the developer.  I suggest you download it!  You may notice that VPN is now a prominent part of his app!  :D  :D 
  2. Along with the updated app version, the developer has posted a VPN setup guide here.  I suggest you take a look at it.  You may notice some similarities!  This is a good thing!  As I mentioned before in my earlier posts, I believe streaming over VPN to be the best solution for 3G/4G connections.  
Now for the tips & tricks:
  •  For security purposes, make sure you give your VPN username and password some serious consideration.  "vpnuser" is fine, or whatever (vpnass, vpnyourmom, these are also good!)...but for the love of god, give it a decent password.  Remember what you're doing here people.  
  • Enable the Wifi radio, but do not connect to a Wifi network when streaming over 3G/4G.  I have had problems streaming when Wifi radio is not on.  I am unsure as to why this is, but I have also read of other users having the same issue.  
  • When possible, try to avoid switching from 3G to 4G.  I know I know, but if you suddenly decide to turn on 4G in the middle of watching a movie, at say, the National Mall, be prepared for a wait, and possibly the need to reconnect to both the VPN and the remote VLC server.
  • Moving around is just fine, as is roaming from cell tower to cell tower, however you may notice some buffering.  This is fine, just be patient...
  • Enable encryption in the Android VPN settings, as well as checking the box in Windows VPN setup to "require all users to secure their passwords".  See the VPN setup info for more on this subject.
  • Use H264 for your streaming, and experiment with the bitrate/quality settings.  You may find that reducing the quality setting will improve streaming.  The developer has a comment on quality settings as well in their VPN setup page
  • Check which version of VLC you are running on the computer.  I recommend running VLC 1.1.3, or VLC 1.1.2
  • Last, but certainly not least, consider buying the VLC S&C Pro version, or donating.  Support the developer if you like what's going on.  Of course you can fully utilize the features of the free version to get the job done, but thats not the point - give credit where credit is due.  Its not that much money anyway.  Besides, the guy has airplane tickets to buy, I'm sure ;)  
That's all for now.  Please look for me to be providing a full and thorough review of the latest version of VLC Stream & Convert app in the near future.  Also look for me to be returning to subjects of Giganews, Usenet, VyprVPN, and others in the coming weeks.  VPN and security should be at the forefront of your minds, considering the recent release of script kiddie tool "Firesheep".  (p.s. I"ll be hitting that in this blog later as well)


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